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  • Ecem

So-called Civilisation and Development Delusion

Updated: May 3, 2022

I started to paint this 5-6 months ago after a very intense dream while reading the“Refinding the Soul” chapter of Jung’s Red Book. The vision of the conscious/heaven part above was very clear to me at that time. I finished it in a couple of weeks. But then came the “The Desert” part. All visions blurred and then gone. I was literally in the desert of my own psyche. I left it incomplete…

The overwhelming events, which started with wildfires, continued with floods and continued with the horrific events of people leaving their countries in fear and despair, eventually paralysed me while I was reading about the findings of the latest IPCC report.

And the accumulation of despairing feelings caused by all the catastrophic events from around the world left me with no choice but to start painting the unconscious/hell part below, which is pretty bloody. All the violence and exploitation caused by the unsustainable and extractive nature of capitalism is showing up itself everywhere in ways we can no longer deny. And we are facing what we have suppressed for all this so-called civilisation and development delusion.

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